Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Mood Helper

Lets just start with admitting, that I don't really hate Mondays, unlike some people. Mondays are usually either really busy for me or completely free, and I either drop on my bed and fall asleep next minute or settle there with a cup of tea and new book (sometimes I pick a movie to watch instead).

I do, however, have a list of things that make my mood better, so thought, I would share it with you all.

Food & drinks

1. Black chocolate, all time favorite of mine.
2. A cup of  irish cream flavoured latte.
3. Cheese. Because...well, it's cheese.
4. Pizza (no comments necessary)
5. Green tea.


1. White Chicks (if I am super pissed off or sad)
2. Harry Potter series (HP fan for life)
3. The Princess Diaries (too girly, I know)
4. X-Men (makes me feel like a superhero)
5. The Internship (recent favorite)


1. BonJovi - It's My Life
2. Lucy Hale - You Sound Good To Me
3. Katy Perry - Hot' N' Cold
4. George Ezra - Budapest
5. Kelly Clarkson - Stronger

Let me know if you like any of these too, or just send me your tips on fighting bad mood! 
P. S. Over 100 followers on Bloglovin, wow there! Thank you all so much! xx


  1. I'm glad that White Chicks makes someone else feel as good as it makes me feel! What a ridiculously hilarious movie.

    xo, Rochana |

  2. My latest post just mentioned the fact that Mondays don't really phase me as much as they do other people, so I thought this was fun to read. I definitely love some of these things on here! First and foremost, pizza, because, well, pizza. And cheese is a definite favorite of mine, even though I'm lactose intolerant. It's definitely a battle I choose to fight. Haha! Some brie cheese on a baguette paired with red wine is my go to. As for the movies, I agree that White Chicks is fun to watch, especially when you're about to have a BF! And Harry Potter? YES! I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter. Well, happy Monday to you! Enjoy the rest of it!

  3. I am so late with seeing these, but thanks for the comments! Apparently I am not the only crazy fan of White Chicks and HP, yay!
