What's with society recently? "You are too skinny, nothing to hold at", "You are too curvy, time for a diet"...
And none of these are actually aimed at people who have obvious weight problems.
Now, please, don't get me wrong, the size people wear is no way affecting my positive or negative opinion about them.
And yes, body shaming is totally wrong. Insulting people in general is wrong. Judging them is wrong.
But then there is this fine line, for us, humans, and not only women, all of us.
There are two points at this scale, and no, being an XS size or XL or between is not really a problem, you know. It's absolutely normal.
Because there are standards every medic knows about, the sizes every normal healthy, I repeat, healthy human at different age should have.
Yes, you can be healthy with curves and without them. But goddamnit, lets not cover up by the "body shaming is wrong" when you see someone, who obviously needs help. I am not saying that I will throw something like "You are a pig" or "You are anorexic" at your face, but how can I act like everything is alright when a good person, when someone I care about, is unhealthy. Do you know that it shortens your life? Do you know if it goes like this, you may possibly never have your own children? Do you know it may cause different problems with your heatlth if your weight keeps disappearing or growing?
Women in my family have the overweight problem, I know exactly all the "perks" it can give you, and you know how it all started? It started from caring relatives saying that "nothing is wrong with eating so much, you are still beautiful".
Yeah, you are still beautiful, you can't walk, you can't enjoy your life, you can't do sports or any activities, because your bones and heart can't cope anymore.
You are beautiful and screw the fact that you are dying, because we told you not to do anything to save yourself. Just go on.
I don't know, maybe it's me being straight forward in this case, but beauty has nothing to do with it, people are beautiful from the start to their end, but it doesn't mean you should mislead them, if they have any health problems. Better help them become healthy and happy, and last I checked, feeding them lies just won't do it.
P.S. I am aware, people may disagree with my opinion, it's up to them. My opinion is purely based on my (and my relatives) experience and I highly doubt, after what I've seen, I'll ever change my mind.
I apologize for the ranting and wish you all a good, successful week.