Sunday, August 31, 2014

YES OR NO to school dresscode or why even?

By tomorrow morning majority of schools in my city will officially start working and I already seen some "excited" faces around, especially in our big shopping mall area, as most of us start new school year with some new clothing pieces.
So all of the back to school hype got me drowning in feels, because I graduated few years ago and currently am a student in university...which means it's completely different from my school days, even though I still study and all that jazz.
And then you know, I felt relieved. I can't say I loved school or hated it, it was a mixture of both and maybe that's why I miss just a little. But the reason I felt relieved, was because I remembered that I no longer have to follow our school dresscode rules. ...Smells like freedom.
Let me tell you a little about these rules. We did not have uniforms, but our school required us to wear only something black and white, preferably close to uniform or business style, and can I say... I HATED IT. By the time I graduated, my closet was 90% white and black cloth, and when I no longer needed them, I threw out most of it. Yeah, this thing still irritates me.
The whole point is, the only purpose of that dresscode was to force SOME teens in our school to look more classy - less trashy. Most of us, didn't even need that.

I, personally, was chubby kid through my 14-17 years and I was not confident enough to wear skirts, dresses and leggings. ANY kind of them. And having already not so many choices to dress up, I mostly played around with colors and patterns. So yeah, when I realized it was no longer allowed, I was pissed. To this day I still am. My opinion did not change.

And my opinion is that forcing someone to dress like a nun, will not make them one. Clothes do not define us, nor change. If someone acts vulgar or does inappropriate thing - it is their choice, and if you want them to become classy, you know what, there are these fine things called EDUCATION AND MORAL. So:

1. Why should I be "punished" when SOMEONE ELSE lacks it?
2. How wearing uniform or anything that kind can stop someone from being what they are?

Our society prefers "virginizing sl*ts" and blaming virgins, because oh no you cannot wear tops that show your arms, since all male population around you will be blinded with sexual thoughts.
Maybe it's because of them, you know.

Cause honestly, I can't see how a t-shirt is something you can't wear to your classes, because I am sorry but it's super hot outside and I would like to feel comfortable enough to actually pay attention to my lessons.

Another thing is uniforms supposed to make students feel equal, but honestly, that doesn't work either. Difference will show up in other ways. Always does, especially if some want people to see it.

Long story short, here is the moral of this story: classy cloth + trashy behavior = still not classy, nope.

Life math, people. All about math. xx

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